Chapuling in Turkey

Toronto — 23 June 2013. Occupy Gezi and Reflections from the Turkish Left Since the end of May, Turkey has seen the rise of a social movement that has serious implications, … Watch video »

Toronto — 23 June 2013.

Occupy Gezi and Reflections from the Turkish Left

Since the end of May, Turkey has seen the rise of a social movement that has serious implications, both for freedom and democracy within the Turkish state as well as broader geopolitical ramifications. The movement and its protests have galvanized Turkish society and is notable for the inclusion of Kurdish activists. It has been met with horrible repression and staged violence by agents provocateurs. Even in the face of international condemnation, whether from powerful governments or international social movements, the Tayyip Erdogan regime continues to repress the movement, which grows stronger by the day.

Moderated by Jordy Cummings. Panelists:

  • Baris Karaagac went to school in Istanbul and is currently teaching Development Studies at Trent University. He is the editor of Accumulations, Crises, Struggles: Capital and Labour in Contemporary Capitalism.
  • Balca Arda is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her PhD thesis focuses on the artistic performances of Muslim Diaspora on the post-September 11 period in North America.