What is Political Party for the Left?

Halifax — 21 January 2015. A panel discussion about the role of political parties within the Left and what it means today for the Left to take political action. Moderated … Watch video »

Halifax — 21 January 2015.

A panel discussion about the role of political parties within the Left and what it means today for the Left to take political action.

Moderated by Andony Melathopoulos. Presentations by:

  • Leo Panitch, teaches Political Science at York University, is the author of Renewing Socialism, co-editor of the Socialist Register and a member of the Socialist Project
  • Jackie Barkley, founding member of Solidarity Halifax
  • Antoni Wysoci, founding member of the organization STAND
  • Carlos Pessoa, teaches Political Science at Dalhousie University and is the author of Post-Marxism and Politics: The Case of the Brazilian Workers’ Party

The forum was hosted by the Dal/King’s Platypus Affiliated Society (the transcripts are also available).